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Home > Ozark Empire Fair > Life & Arts > Exhibiting


Summer's Biggest Party will be returning to the Ozark Empire Fairgrounds July 24 - August 2, 2025! Check back frequently as we release more information on the 89th Annual Ozark Empire Fair!

On this page you will find the basic information regarding Life & Arts exhibiting.

You will find links to Adult, Youth, and Special Events exhibiting at bottom of page.
These pages will contain department handbooks and information on entering.

Good News! Anyone can be an exhibitor!

What makes our department special? You! The Life and Arts department relies on you, the exhibitor. Local exhibits are part of what makes The Ozark Empire Fair so popular in Southwest Missouri. Exhibiting is an opportunity for locals to showcase their creative talents as part of our Award Winning competitive exhibits displays. There is something for everyone. Deadline for arts, crafts, photography, and cooking is June 25. Deadline for flowers and garden is July 10.

Company Name

If you have never exhibited before and are interested, we encourage you to give exhibiting a try. Feel free to contact with any questions you might have about our department. We are more than happy to answer your questions.

For more information, contact :
Traci, Life and Arts Director
Phone (417)833-2660
Life and Arts on Instagram

Below are descriptions of Life & Arts general information forms.

2025 Forms and Handbooks Now Available

Registration Form:
This form can be printed and filled out by exhibitors then can be mailed or brought into the fair grounds where we will process your entry. By signing and submitting your registration you agree to the rules & regulations of the Life & Arts Department.
There are separate registration forms for those wishing to enter in the Turning Artistry, Garden, and Flower departments. These can be found on the Adult Exhibiting page at the end of the respective handbooks.
Rules & Regulations Form:
This form is a complete set of Rules and Regulations for exhibitors in Life and Arts. Everything you need to know about exhibiting is in this packet. It is a must read for all exhibitors.
Schedule Form:
This form is a complete Schedule of need to know dates and times of events within the Life & Arts Department.
Judging Guidelines:
This form contains the guidelines used by judges when considering the exhibits in each class.
(specific guidelines for each exhibit type)

Links To Handbook Pages

Adult Exhibiting - Adult handbooks, registration forms, and information.

Youth Exhibiting - Youth, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, & Special Events information and handbooks

Special Events Exhibiting
- Handbook and information about live judged competitions during the fair.

Online registration now available

Sign up for email updates from Ozark Empire Fairgrounds and Event Center

Ozark Empire Fair

3001 N. Grant Ave. Springfield, MO 65803

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